thumbs-iconCleaning & Ironing Services in Kirkcaldy

clock-icon8am-6pm (Mon-Fri) & 8am-12pm (Sat)


Telephone07901 595 854

Building Cleaning Services

Building Cleaning Services

Building Cleans
Building Cleans

Whole Building Cleaning Service

It’s not only homes that need cleaning. Sometimes the whole building needs doing! Whether this be as a One-off Clean, or as part of a regular cleaning schedule, Domestic Matters can send experienced, trustworthy staff to clean your building.

Cleaning Communal Areas

Communal areas in particular can be a bone of contention when it comes to cleaning. It may have seemed like a good idea to save money by agreeing to a rota between neighbours, but in practice it often means that either communal areas get progressively more dirty, or one person ends up doing all the cleaning work and resenting it.

The easiest solution is to bring in a regular professional service. The cost, split between a few households, is usually modest; your building will be cleaned to a high standard every week or fortnight; and everyone will be free to enjoy the communal areas together!

For landlords, this is an excellent way to provide an added service to tenants while also ensuring their building remains in good condition at all times.

To Book Your Appointment Telephone 07901 595 854

Domestic Cleaning

Domestic Cleaning

Regular cleaning can be organised weekly / fortnightly / Monthly.

Oven Clean

Oven Cleaning

From £35* we can have your oven shining like new.

Tenancy Cleaning

Domestic Matters carry out post / pre tenancy cleans for both landlords and tenants.