thumbs-iconCleaning & Ironing Services in Kirkcaldy

clock-icon8am-6pm (Mon-Fri) & 8am-12pm (Sat)


Telephone07901 595 854

Cleaning Services

Cleaning Services

Domestic Cleaning

Our Services

Oven Clean

Oven Cleaning

From £35* we can have your oven shining like new.

Building Cleans

Whole Building Cleaning Service

It’s not only homes that need cleaning. Sometimes the whole building needs doing!

Tenancy Cleaning

Domestic Matters carry out post / pre tenancy cleans for both landlords and tenants.

Building Cleans

One-off Big Cleans

Some people like to do a ‘Spring clean’ every so often…

Domestic Cleaning

Domestic Cleaning

Regular cleaning can be organised weekly / fortnightly / Monthly.

Why Choose Domestic Matters Cleaning Services?

  • Fully Insured
  • Disclosure Checked Cleaners
  • Holiday / Sickness Cover Provided
  • Locally Run
  • Same cleaner each time *holiday / sickness cover can occur
  • Client support from management means no awkward notes or conversations with cleaners
  • Regular updates on phone, email, text, facebook